SDYC Presenters tell you their favorite reads and resources
We lose ourselves in books. We find ourselves there, too.
Ever wonder where yoga teachers find inspiration? The true answer is that they find inspiration all around them and even from you! However, they love to read and browse the web, as well. Check out these recommendations from some of SDYC's Presenters!
Your Body, Your Yoga by Bernie Clark (Gail Bowers)
Insight Yoga by Sarah Powers (Gail Bowers)
Yamas and Niyamas by Deborah Adel (Gail Bowers)
Light on Yoga (Laurie Johns)
A Life Worth Breathing (Laurie Johns)
Tending the Heart Fire (Laurie Johns)
Body Thrive (Laurie Johns)
Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith (Cat Croteau)
Yoga of the Subtle Body by Tias Little (Cat Croteau, Marilyn Castilaw)
The Radiance Sutras by Lorin Roche (Tara Ledbetter)
Yoga Anatomy Books by Ray Long (Tara Ledbetter)
Yoga Nidra for Complete Relaxation and Stress Relief by Julie Lusk (Scottie Bruch)
The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi (Scottie Bruch)
Books by Rama Jyoti Vernon (Marilyn Castilaw)
Yoga Fascia Anatomy and Movement by Joanne Sarah Alison (Marilyn Castilaw)
Living Yoga by Christy Turlington (Marilyn Castilaw)
The Language of Yin by Gabrielle Harris (Clarissa Thompson)
Revolution of the Soul by Seane Corne (Clarissa Thompson)
Books by Gabrielle Bernstein (Clarissa Thompson)
Ganesha Goes to Lunch by Kamla K. Kapur (Jillian Anawaty)
The Recognition Sutras by Christopher Wallis (Jillian Anawaty)
The Master's Touch by Yogi Bhajan, Ph. D. (Cary Thrall)
Kundalini Yoga: Sadhana Guidelines by Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. (Cary Thrall)
Meditations from the Mat by Katrina Kenison and Rolf Gates (Shannon Steele)
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk (Shannon Steele)
Yoga International (Gail Bowers, Monique Mueller, Laurie Johns, Cat Croteau, Scottie Bruch)
Yoga Medicine, Tiffany Cruickshank (Gail Bowers, Monique Mueller)
Jason Crandell (Gail Bowers, Rebecca Johnson)
Noah Maze (Gail Bowers)
YogaGlo (Monique Mueller, Rebecca Johnson, Scottie Bruch)
Melina Meza (Monique Mueller)
Yoga Journal (Monique Mueller, Laurie Johns)
BKS Iyengar (Monique Mueller)
Darren Rhodes (Monique Mueller)
Christina Sell (Monique Mueller)
Bandha Yoga, Ray Long (Tara Ledbetter)
3h0 (Rajni Puranjot Kaur)
Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings (Rajni Puranjot Kaur)
Laruga Yoga (Marilyn Castilaw)
Freeman+Taylor (Marilyn Castilaw)
Elephant Journal (Clarissa Thompson)
Embodied Philosophy (Jillian Anawaty)
Spirit Voyage (Cary Thrall)
Yoga Service Council (Shannon Steele)
The Connected Yoga Teacher (Cat Croteau)
Yoga (Birth) Babies (Cat Croteau)
SCHYS Podcast (Scottie Bruch)
Yogaland (Rebecca Johnson)
Chitheads (Jillian Anawaty)
Lightwork (Jillian Anawaty)
Down Dog (Cary Thrall)
Glo (Scottie Bruch)